The Light Heritage

The Light Heritage


The Junior Church of SCL is not the usual children's church that one expects to find everywhere. Our desire is to have a unique kind of assembly where the children are ten times wiser than their contemporaries and are equally being trained like the adults as Agents of Change; Hence the name The Light’s Heritage. This name is derived from Psalm 127: 3 KJV.

In order for us to help you as parent to raise your children in the way of the Lord, the children's church runs concurrently with the morning services throughout the year.

The vision of TLH is to impart wisdom to our children and to make them stronger, more knowledgeable and richer in spiritual matters, than their contemporaries; creating a generational transfer, passing on a legacy of God to the coming generation in a manner of the spirit of the generation.

The Light Heritage

Extra-Curricular Activities

We believe that our children should have the opportunity to hear not only the Word of God but also to make use of the beautiful environment in which we live.

Our children will be encouraged to participate in co-curricula activities aimed at healthy interaction as well as preparing them for leadership roles in future. The following clubs and socials are in the making. Choir, Drama, Dance, Chess, Arts and Craft.